I would like to share my experience in Airsoft War Game and some ideas. When i hear Airsoft War Game, I am very confused of what type of that game is? As I invited me with my cousin, I directly agree whatever or how much will I pay because in that time I'm finding a mates and ideas for Airsoft game and my wish comes in.
As we travel from downtown Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City (My hometown) to the upper part of place and that was Indahag, Cagayan de Oro City. And as we arrive at the Airsoft Gameplay Site or Firing Range, I feel mixed emotions like no ideas what to do, excitement, curiosity, and other positive emotions.
After a couple of minutes of our arrival, the Airsoft Game facilitator explains to us the Rules and Regulations in Airsoft Game and that rules and ideas are thesame on handling a True Gun. There are 10 Airsoft Game Rules on that time and I don't the rules of other Airsoft Game Providers.
After orienting us about the Airsoft Game Rules and some ideas, the facilitator are preparing the Guns, Masks, Vests, Bonnet, and Gloves for us to use. As the facilitator prepares the Airsoft things for us, we are preparing to on our t-shirts, we drink water before the game starts, we urinate first, and other things to do before the Airsoft War Games Starts.
After the preparations, we wear the armors and gears excitedly especially myself because that was my first time. I'm starting learning on the Airsoft Game and its ideas by wearing proper attire although my jeans is the only camouflage at that time because I don't have a upper one but before that I really look cool when my cousin took me a photo for a preview to myself. I'm amazed on seeing myself like a soldier. lol.
The preparation before the actual Airsoft Game play consumed around 30 to 40 minutes all in all.
And the facilitator tells that we will start the game sooner and prepare for the Airsoft War Games Battle.
We are all 12 members on that time and we should divide into two. The team in that time was the "Camouflage Team" those who wears camouflage Vests and the "Black Team" those who wears color black Vests. When the group dividing done, I was belong to Camouflage Team.
After many process and preparations, the true Airsoft War Game finally declared started.
In the first round, I was hit by the head and thanks to my bonnet because the pellet bullet impact were not that hurt. I shouted "HIT!" because its in the rule to shout that word if you are hit already.
The 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th round goes on. I started to feel pain in my foot, legs and arms. I never expect that the Airsoft Game Play was not easy all the way and you need to be more energetic to overcome your enemies.
As the game done the score was 6-1, our Team Camouflage scores 6 and the Black Team was 1. I don't care if we loose or win on that because all I am thinking is I really feel the happiness inside of me when playing Airsoft War Games in cdo for the first time.
Our Airsoft Game facilitator in cdo in that time was the GEARS OF WARGAMES.
You can contact them through their Facebook Account:
Contact Numbers:
And our True team name is SKULLUWAG TEAM.
SKULLUWAG TEAM Airsoft War Games Cdo |
I will make a separate post on What to do on playing Airsoft War Games for the first time.
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